Thought for Friday: Footloose

Here’s a song sung by Kenny Loggins called “Footloose” (2:55) [Columbia, Mar-1984], lyrics

In the song Loggins and co-writer Dean Pitchford challenge the limitations of the eight hour day and working within a rigid rule set. This brings a frustration that boils over in the phrases “I’ll hit the ceiling” or else “I’ll tear up this town”. Though, it is telling that the song is also an instruction manual to get back into relationship with “you’ve got to turn me around”, get grounded “put your feet on the ground” and seize the opportunity “take the hold of all”. This is where we find freedom to “cut footloose”. For us, this is part of our customer journey, stakeholder engagement, refinement and freedom within a framework.

Some things to consider:

  • Listening for what isn’t being said. The time being present with the people who matter.

  • Connecting in with what has been said. How we got to the present.

  • Running with opportunity. Momentum into the future.

What is your squad not hearing? How does this connect? Where is your momentum?

How does this thinking apply to you in your Tribe / Support Function? What are your rituals? Where do rituals connect with the people you are in relationship with? What keeps you all grounded? Where is your freedom moment?

Why is this important? Good question. Rules can be constructs that provide meaning and direction. Their intent is often to keep us away from harm. When the intent is mixed with ideology then the opportunity to shape these rules to meet the current environment may mean that they become the cause of the harm. This is the place where relationship, grounding and opportunity can collide to lift the lid off this harm and guide our passions to build rules that guide our momentum into the future.

For further viewing / reading:

Inviting you to have a view / read and to have a chat with me about your thoughts.

[Originally posted internally in my role in IS Governance at The Warehouse Group.]